Articles on: Getting Started

Set up DKIM authentication

DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) is a standard protocol that verifies that the email received was indeed authorized and sent from a specific domain. It avoids the falsification of emails.

This article walks you through the steps to set it up correctly.

To add and verify your custom email address, check out this quick guide first.

Adding DKIM Records

Popular DNS providers

DKIM Records

Once you've added your custom email, move to the Email Verification tab.

On this page, you'll find the values that must be added to your DNS provider. Here's an example of the records you will see:

Head to your DNS provider and complete the verification by adding the values you were given in the designated space.

Each hosting service has its own settings, but the process will always be the same.

Add a new record and select TXT as the type.

Copy and paste the hostname without the part of your domain. Then copy-paste the cryptographic value. This key is unique and secret.

Most Used DNS Providers

Don't remember who your DNS provider is? You can easily search here.









If your domain is hosted through Shopify, follow these steps.

Updated on: 28/07/2022

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